How To Become The Newest Millionaire in America NDITC

The inventive genius is not always about creating a new toaster oven, a new high flying airplane or a new safety razor that conquers the consumer markets around the world. Some of the best ideas literally are created by reworking something already in the market. The founder of NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is a Fortune 100 Specialist and over the last five or six years he has modified or adjusted the entire inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.It was clear that billions of profitable dollars were being made by simply selling the inkjet printer cartridges and the laser toner printer cartridges. Our founders knew exactly what to alter and rework to create the first ever nationwide, privately owned, independently operated profitable chain store operation. It also seems that NDITC may be one of the key factors in the return of prosperity to thousands of individual business owners in America and also Canada.A very closely held NDITC NAND research and development project was financed and a careful study of the present-day inventive and industrial activity of such multi-international companies like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and dozens of others revealed no revolutionary or ideal distribution channels for the manufactured printers and those little money making inkjet and toner printer cartridges known as consumables. Also revealed were the struggling retail giants like Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, and even Wal-Mart had no revolutionary development on the horizon to create sales and operating profits concerning inkjet and toner printer cartridges. No single invention appears likely to bring an end to this depression. Instead the next few years will see the return of economic prosperity through the appearance and the implementation of thousands of new business models, plans, systems that create profits that contribute to the total volume of business.NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has completed the comprehensive surveys and market testing that shows beyond any doubt that their NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships covering thousands of American zip codes, all parts of the country, is a sure money maker.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Nothing Ever Conquered Fear until PeopleNology by Ph.D. Gregory Bodenhamer

PeopleNology Nollijy
Gregory Bodenhamer - 2006

Can you recall a time when:
You were glad to be with a friend.
You caught sight of something you dad been waiting for.
You found the anxiety was for nothing.
Your parent was proud of you.
You were loved.
You were invited.
You conquered sorrow.
You were looked up to.
You could go and come as you please.
Your fears were groundless.
You did the impossible.
You felt very much alive.
You chose some clothing that was just right.
You refused to be owned.
You decided to be completely different from a person.
You resolved an upset.
You solved a problem.
You broke free of a limiting fixed belief.
You completed something successfully.
You felt you were growing up.
You achieved an advancement in your career.
Something you wrote was published.
You reached a milestone in your life.
You were anticipating a special event.
You were anticipating sexual pleasure.
You were anticipating a special meal.
You were anticipating seeing a long unseen person.
You appreciated receiving an award or honor.
You appreciated being accepted as a leader.
You appreciated finding unexpected respect or appreciation.
You appreciated receiving respect/encouragement from someone.
You admired a beautiful view.
You admired a beautiful flower.
You admired a beautiful animal.
You admired a beautiful sky.
You appreciated the fresh air.
You admired a graceful movement.
You admired a beautiful painting.
You were captivated by some beautiful music.
You had child-like feelings.
You had child-like playfulness.
You had child-like innocence.
You had child-like wonder.
You had child-like sharing.
You had child-like friendship.
You had child-like discovery.
You received affection from a child.
You enjoyed watching the performance of a child.
You received others' compliments about your child.
You admired a child's innocence.
You admired a child's bubbling effervescence.
You admired a child's silliness.
You felt a sense of tradition shared or passed along to the next generation.
You felt a sense of oneness with the world/universe.
You felt a sense of community.
You felt a sense of group acceptance.
You felt a sense of spiritual joining.
You felt you have good neighbours.
You felt you have good friends.
You felt a sense of feeling part of a larger whole.
You felt a sense of continuity.
You felt your life was in order.
You enjoyed having a neat house.
You liked your appearance.
You enjoyed feeling organized.
You enjoyed being on time.
You enjoyed feeling slim and trim or at a good weight.
You enjoyed eating healthily.
You enjoyed exercising.
You enjoyed working well as a team member.
You enjoyed singing with others.
You enjoyed creating with others.
You liked your co-workers.
You decided to take a risk.
You decided to make a commitment.
You decided to make love for first time.
You decided to get married.
You decided to buy a house.
You decided to go into business.
You decided to quit a job.
You made-up after a fight.
You won a concession.
You forgave someone.
You were forgiven.
You had a sudden inspiration.
You had a sudden insight/understanding.
You discovered a secret.
You discovered a shared connection.
You discovered a shared idea.
You discovered a shared experience.
You discovered a shared background.
You discovered a shared belief.
You discovered a new friend.
You discovered a new idea.
You discovered a new place.
You discovered a new sensation.
You discovered a new interest.
You discovered a new activity.
You discovered a new experience.
You had a special holiday.
You went out for a special meal.
You really enjoyed a party.
You went someplace different.
An event became hilarious.
You told a story.
You were thinking about your future.
You planned for a vacation.
You saw the light at end of the tunnel.
A fantasy came true.
You righted a wrong.
You got recognition and proper respect after ill treatment.
You receiving due apology.
You won a just reward or judgment.
You enjoyed having free time.
You enjoyed freedom from constraints.
You enjoyed freedom from time pressure.
You enjoyed freedom from paying off debts.
You enjoyed freedom from rules.
You enjoyed not having to work.
You enjoyed being alone, free from distraction or interruption.
You enjoyed solving, fixing, curing a problem.
You made the decision to leave and did it.
You quit a bad habit or addiction.
You took responsibility and were glad you did.
You found something lost.
You found a bargain.
You bought a special gift.
You found something you collect that's hard to find.
You found something you thought to be lost.
You received affection.
You got a pleasant hello from a stranger.
You gave without expecting anything back.
You received exciting news.
You cooked a lovely meal.
You received a personally made gift.
You gave a thoughtfully chosen gift.
You enjoyed athletic activities.
You enjoyed dancing.
You enjoyed a terrific concert.
You heard good news.
A past decision worked out.
A past predictions came true.
Your opinion proving right.
You fixed something.
You volunteered to do something.
You observing the effects of helping/caring for another.
You relieving another's suffering.
You saw a person get better.
You listened with with empathy and caring.
You helping someone achieve a good outcome.
You contributed to a good cause.
You made the right rather than the easier decision.
You enjoyed creating or making something.
You received a spontaneous/unexpected hug.
You enjoyed flirting/being flirted with.
Younjoyed your work or job.
You finished a challenging assignment.
You had a good idea at work.
You performed well at work.
You learnt a new skill.
You improved a skill.
You found meaning and value in work.
You had a happy/interesting conversation.
You were well prepared with a timely answer.
You had a funny experience.
You told a good joke.
You felt increasing intimacy.
You helped your parents.
Luck went your way.
You saved for and bought something you really wanted.
You found a bargain.
You cut a good deal.
You felt financially secure.
You felt nostalgia for times or people gone or dead.
You admired an act of bravery or courage.
Somebody's action inspired you.
You read a moving passage in a book.
You were moved by a film or play.
You were moved by music.
You were moved by nature.
You felt a sense of wonder.
You enjoyed learning.
You felt a sense of courage.
You recognised a need for change.
You opened up to intimacy.
You opened up to caring.
You opened up to forgiveness.
You opened up to healing old wounds.
You felt "on the ball".
You reached a personal best.
You had an insight.
You felt self mastery.
You were able to concentrate well.
You felt confident.
You felt enthusiastic.
You felt ecstatic.
You felt pride in your family.
You felt pride in your country.
You felt pride in your group.
You were proud of your achievement.
You were proud of your performance.
You reached safety.
You knew your family is safe, secure and well cared for.
You felt attractive.
You felt healthy.
You felt popular/liked.
You felt needed.
You felt creative.
You felt strong.
You felt powerful.
You felt capable.
You felt dependable.
Making love was wonderful.
You shared a good experience.
You shared a new possession.
You shared good news.

Can you recall a time when:
You enjoyed yourself.
You earned some money.
You heard some good music.
You mastered something.
You got something you wanted.
You enjoyed a cosy fire.
You rode a bicycle.
You played with an animal.
You rearranged furniture.
You really knew what you were talking about.
You gave a successful demonstration or talk.
You straightened out a messy environment.
You felt good about the way you looked.
You enjoyed talking with someone.
You were acknowledged for a job well done.
You kept a promise.
You held somebody close.
You enjoyed exercising.
You drew a picture.
You helped somebody.
You won.
You met someone you got on well with.
You had a good time dancing.
You felt important.
You were having a good holiday.
You achieved something worthwhile.
You were enjoying a long walk.
You enjoyed working in the garden.
You had a good idea.
You kissed somebody you liked.


You laughed at a joke.
You painted something.
You felt enthusiastic.
You were with a friend.
You stood your ground.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Your Father didn't want to be a Truck Driver by Peoplenology Gregory Bodenhamer

The Recruiter Machine,
PeopleNology for
Motor Freight Trucking Recruiters
Nollijy for Friends and Associates
Take 75 Big Steps Forward - 100% FREE with one simple email.Get Started for FREE Today
EBRAGB091856a Ph D Gregory L Bodenhamer
Driver Turnover rate too high? Operating Profit too low? People-nology programs will bring about a marked improvement quickly and affordably. You can get started free of any charges today. Guaranteed.
It’s your responsibility to assure and assist compliance, profit, service and revenue growth. If you have a sound business plan then the only limitation will be found within your people. The problems of recruiting and retention set-backs can be avoided, problems converted to opportunities, new People-nology skills bring about new decisions, positive changes, better forecasting, higher retention levels, lowers cost of doing business, improved customer satisfaction and higher growth rates is just the beginning. I want to send you the executive pdf introduction today.
Your trucking company can benefit with this new-ancient philosophy concerning people. Hanging on to the old way produces the same old results. Do not be satisfied with your current position or the performance of your people. People-nology gives you the ability to recognize and capitalize great people within your business planning.
Better executives and managers have changed the behavioral styles of their people and systems. They have found their people with sincere interest inside their groups. People-nology clients have the rapport needed to build agreement and profits. The 75 Secrets of the Human Mind gives you the power to make all your people important and appreciated. Allowing their focus and participation means greater profits than ever before.
Discover the untapped mental potential of all your people by reviewing our executive introduction in the comfort of your business office. Promise yourself that you’ll explore our consulting services, our Introduction (pdf) is delivered right to your email within 72 hours and Orientation is always free ,on your schedule, anywhere in America.
Our 90 Minute Orientation allows you to focus on this high pay-off information, separate the irrelevant, start getting what you want and examine the cause of your results. Please, send me an email, so we can establish the better future for your motor freight transportation business.
People-Nology - Nationwide Consulting
Overnight Success After 29 Years
Greg Bodenhamer
Greg Bodenhamer
Mechanicsburg Pa

Guaranteed To Work or Your Mind Back

The Problem?
Not having enough quality truck drivers
to establish and maintain core elements.
The Client?
A Motor Freight Transportation Company
operating 25 to 150 power units.
The Reality?
Client having over 25% Turnover Rate
and struggling to retain quality people.
The Facilitator?
PeopleNology Encourages Learning
and action steps to correct the problem.
The Sponsor?
Ownership or Executive Manager
responsible for overall performance.

Reasonable Travel Expenses May Apply

A complete overview of the history and evolution. Taking the philosophy, concepts, principles and theories from Bedrock to Bedroom to Boardroom. The essential knowledge that you must have to engineer your own great success and then for other people. Thought provoking explanation of your brain and how every human thinks and acts through the human thought process. Helpful insights on how you feel, what makes you smile or makes you fail. The inside scoop on you and everybody you know or will meet in the future. Take control of your life as you only get once chance for the brass ring. Discover the truth about Adam and Eve, Dick and Jane and explore your own great potential. Surprise your friends and amaze your lovers. This is the journey that nobody talks about because your father couldn't tell you and your mother didn't know. Take our hand and journey to a new place you’ll always call home sweet home.
PeopleNology - Nollijy by Gregory Bodenhamer Mechanicsburg Pa 1700