How To Become The Newest Millionaire in America NDITC

The inventive genius is not always about creating a new toaster oven, a new high flying airplane or a new safety razor that conquers the consumer markets around the world. Some of the best ideas literally are created by reworking something already in the market. The founder of NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is a Fortune 100 Specialist and over the last five or six years he has modified or adjusted the entire inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.It was clear that billions of profitable dollars were being made by simply selling the inkjet printer cartridges and the laser toner printer cartridges. Our founders knew exactly what to alter and rework to create the first ever nationwide, privately owned, independently operated profitable chain store operation. It also seems that NDITC may be one of the key factors in the return of prosperity to thousands of individual business owners in America and also Canada.A very closely held NDITC NAND research and development project was financed and a careful study of the present-day inventive and industrial activity of such multi-international companies like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and dozens of others revealed no revolutionary or ideal distribution channels for the manufactured printers and those little money making inkjet and toner printer cartridges known as consumables. Also revealed were the struggling retail giants like Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, and even Wal-Mart had no revolutionary development on the horizon to create sales and operating profits concerning inkjet and toner printer cartridges. No single invention appears likely to bring an end to this depression. Instead the next few years will see the return of economic prosperity through the appearance and the implementation of thousands of new business models, plans, systems that create profits that contribute to the total volume of business.NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has completed the comprehensive surveys and market testing that shows beyond any doubt that their NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships covering thousands of American zip codes, all parts of the country, is a sure money maker.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Lesson 4 Hot to Retain Truck Drivers by Peoplenology

PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer Ph D
Nollijy University Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
Translating PeopleNology Techniques
into Truck Driver Recruiting & Retention Results
Social and System Motor Freight Trucking Engineering
Write for FREE information;
Publisher of PeopleNology Nollijy Leftovers Aunt Polly Nude Trucking Medicine The Royal Flush by Ph.D. Gregory Bodenhamer All Rights Reserved Motor Freight Trucking Expert Consulting Seminars
Working on the Truck Line
Curiosity of People
Royal Flush Truck Driver Retention
The Grand Swindle of Trucking Managers, Pay Packages and Mergers

Where the personal goals of the followers are aligned with the direction that the leaders is pointing, then it seems like a good idea to follow the leader, especially if it looks like they will be able to help me get what I want.
If I look at a leader and they seem to want the same thing that I do, then I will assume that they will want to support me in my strivings.
Leaders should thus take time to understand the personal goals of their would-be followers, and thus find some workable combination of gently shifting or reframing their own and the follower goals so they align.
I will also follow a person who actively helps me to get what I want. In my seeking to achieve my goals, I often cannot do it all myself and need the support of others, who may lend a hand, money authority or otherwise help me in my work.
When goals are aligned, it makes sense for leaders to support followers. It can also be a good idea to provide support for other goals, which both demonstrates care and sets up an exchange. When you give me support, I will, in return, support you. Leaders actively support followers and help them get what they want.
Followers and Ideas
Disciplines > Leadership > Followership > Followers and Ideas
Objectives as instructions | Objectives as ideas | Ideas as inspiration | See also
People will follow an idea, but not constraining objectives, then I may do it, but not in a way that makes me want to follow you.
Objectives as instructions
Objectives are useful in most organizations, of course, but they are often presented as fixed instructions, telling people what to do and how to do it in so much detail that it leaves little to the imagination.
Objectives in this sense become prisons, constraining people in mental straitjackets that prevent them from independent thinking. This is not a very motivating situation, and leads either to taciturn compliance or outright rebellion.
Even when not so tightly constrained, objectives are a management tool rather than something that leaders rely on as a primary source of motivation.
Objectives as ideas
Objectives can be used to motivate and leaders can make effective use of formal systems of objective-setting to provide effective challenge and stimulation that will motivate people not only to do the work but also to follow the leader.
The trick with motivating objectives is to make them broad enough and with enough scope that people feel a sense of excitement and challenge.
When I am faced with a challenging objective and where I am given just enough resource to do the job, then I will be motivated to take up the baton and will feel a strong sense of achievement when I complete it.
Ideas as inspiration
Inspiration occurs when an idea both aligns with my values and also gives me a sense of possibility, of what is not now but which could be in the future. It might thus change my beliefs and mental models.
Ideas typically cause initial confusion followed by a pleasurable 'aha' experience. An ongoing tension is then created with a motivating gap between the now of no idea implemented and the desirable future of the idea happening.
Ideas are thus vectors that provide force and direction, motivating people to follow in the direction of the idea.