How To Become The Newest Millionaire in America NDITC

The inventive genius is not always about creating a new toaster oven, a new high flying airplane or a new safety razor that conquers the consumer markets around the world. Some of the best ideas literally are created by reworking something already in the market. The founder of NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company is a Fortune 100 Specialist and over the last five or six years he has modified or adjusted the entire inkjet and toner printer cartridge market.It was clear that billions of profitable dollars were being made by simply selling the inkjet printer cartridges and the laser toner printer cartridges. Our founders knew exactly what to alter and rework to create the first ever nationwide, privately owned, independently operated profitable chain store operation. It also seems that NDITC may be one of the key factors in the return of prosperity to thousands of individual business owners in America and also Canada.A very closely held NDITC NAND research and development project was financed and a careful study of the present-day inventive and industrial activity of such multi-international companies like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother and dozens of others revealed no revolutionary or ideal distribution channels for the manufactured printers and those little money making inkjet and toner printer cartridges known as consumables. Also revealed were the struggling retail giants like Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Office Depot, and even Wal-Mart had no revolutionary development on the horizon to create sales and operating profits concerning inkjet and toner printer cartridges. No single invention appears likely to bring an end to this depression. Instead the next few years will see the return of economic prosperity through the appearance and the implementation of thousands of new business models, plans, systems that create profits that contribute to the total volume of business.NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company U.S.A. has completed the comprehensive surveys and market testing that shows beyond any doubt that their NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships covering thousands of American zip codes, all parts of the country, is a sure money maker.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

HUman BOndage The Truth about Natural Slavery by Gregory Bodenhamer PeopleNology

The Largest NewsLetter in the World
between emergence and extinction

You think your world is solid and real.
You're always working for that stable feeling.

The sheer scope of you, your children and their children
to come has originated elsewhere. Uniquely, I believe
that PeopleNology has unlocked the many secrets of
Mother Nature and Combined them for the People to
Learn and Apply them as they are the Original Conceptions.

We're so much smarter than the non-human societies so we cannot become stagnant
like the baboons, ants and elephants. As far as we know all human beings are between
emergence and extinction. When changes do happen in the animal world we think
we know all the reasons. The "why" must be that evolutionary machine that keeps churning,
changing, producing something better and maybe forever? It must be the ecology as the
framework that is changing everything for the better, we can only hope.

Between emergence and extinction, what can really happen?

The rapid change in society, technology seems to be running
faster than evolution. We cannot seem to keep up the pace.

It seems we are ancient beings, living in a modern, idea filled world.

You want to fly like the eagle. The idea of transformation is real and very possible within
the PeopleTopian Principles of PeopleNology. Without magic or disquise you can change your
life with little effort or time by understanding and applying PeopleTopians.

The mighty and dreadful will move out of your way, around the clock the new-ancient
earth laws that our founder combined solves the problems, provides the solutions you've been
looking to find. The vision thing becomes clear. Your life, relationships, career, inovations and
your prosperity becomes real for the very first time.

Stop Being the Peasant

You are the King of Mankind

Your inherited characteristics
are fully explained.

Change your everything, forever.

Study and Apply PeopleNology

The Humbling,
The Substantial,
The Thinking,
The Selection has Started.
Write to us today and receive your free newsletter

The Largest NewsLetter in the World - All Rights Reserved and Protected 2008
between emergence and extinction

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Gregory Bodenhamer New Publication FREE PeopleTopian Principles by PeopleNology

The 12 Principles
Helpful Survival Guide for Parents, Teenagers, Adolescents.

Amazon,Barnes Noble, Books A Million, Booksense, Google Products.

Remarkable Evolutionary Secrets of Mother Nature gets you back in control at work in the boardroom, at home in the bedroom, getting your children through school and the day. Sharing the Secrets of PeopleNology through the teaching of the PeopleTopian principles and other new-ancient earth laws. Gregory Bodenhamer can help you RESTORE ORDER at home and at the office.

The Myth of Management, Shoplifting, Drepression,
The Fear of Divorce, Running Away, Self Injury,
The Survival Guide for every Parent, (Yours FREE) - Limited time offer,
Leadership, Adult Education, Dating Advice, Career Help,
Customer Services and Product Innovations,
Motivation, Persuasion, Curiosity of People, Child Support, Teen Driving, Empty Nest,
Teamwork, Drug Free, Peer Pressure, Body Image, Self-Esteem
PeopleTopians are the application techniques that helps you understand every human being on earth. Including Teenagers, Adolescents and Brave and Noble adult Parents. Request your FREE PUBLICATION listed here, simply by sending an email.
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Boiling Your Own Frogs Adolescents Parents Teenagers by PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer

can be put into practice immediately, yields positive results as short as within a few weeks and is easy to refer back to for a refresher