Gregory Bodenhamer
Searching For Why
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian®™©
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PeopleTopians are the Living Emotions inside all human beings.
Your Going To Become A PeopleTopian Today
Common feelings and emotional triggers that control everything you think and do regardless of any other circumstances.
From the primitive peoples to modern mankind PeopleTopians, from the life-giving earth, are the elemental psychological biological internal switches that are the absolute master of your life. You may have problems to solve, people to help, friends, children or business associates that are also searching for why? You need to become a PeopleTopian - before the Strangers take over.
Solve Legal Issues - Financial Problems - Dating and Mating Issues
These emotional triggers are so absolute at times they become visible. You cannot see PeopleTopians but you can see many results of their actions. Your feelings or emotions are the evolutionary triggers that live inside all human beings. Mother nature does not discriminate. You have all the PeopleTopians inside you that your parents carried around, and their parents before them. PeopleTopians control you. PeopleTopians are the primitive attitudes, behaviors, emotions and feeling that are inseparable from any human being. Our own PeopleTopians became part of us over millions of years of evolutionary biology. Around 500,000 years ago science has revealed that they (PeopleTopians) have been implanted or at least started the process of being implanted within our blank mind slate.
Stop Shoplifting - Teen Depression - Violence - Poor Grades
Most people never realize this most important fact. Millions of years of biological evolution has been the GOD of you and every other human before you. It’s not a statement of creation or nature it’s simply just a proven fact. Biology, Geology, Evolution, Chemistry made you and Gregory Bodenhamer within his work of PeopleNology - PeopleTopia - PeopleTopians through Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology has unlocked many of the secrets held inside human beings.
Issues Grief - Running Away - Self Injury - Sexual Abuse - Suicide
Another important fact is that a human being - like the ones walking around today - have not been on earth that long, considering the time earth has been around.
You, your parents, children, supervisor, teachers, pastor, gas station attendant has been molded through the absolute force of CULTURAL DISCIPLINE and EDUCATION.
When Strangers Take Over - Asking Smarter Prettier - Searching for Why
After the last ice age - Homo Sapiens - Me and You - seemed to survive the battle of climate change, finding good food, defeating the cold, killer animals and other events. Millions of years of biological evolution did not disappear because we decided to raise our food on farms, build shelters etc.
We have become CIVILIZED by culture or at least we have attempted to become civilized.
Why Love Anger Frustration - Without Fathers - So Many Secrets
Culture building, a tiny little scratch compared to biological evolution has only been around a bit over 10,000 years. Our biological foundation has been around millions of years, living inside other species of so-called human beings that came before us.
Those BIOLOGICAL, GEOLOGICAL, EVOLUTIONARY, CHEMICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, ECOLOGICAL beginnings are all very much alive and well inside every human being. These developmental forces have been proven, over and over again. Progression of our CIVILIZATION is causing human beings a great deal of stress, nervousness, anxiety. constant worry, fear and at times trauma.
How Support - Relationships - Positive Limits - Difficult Subject
Your Biological self is being held down by culture building. The real you is being conquered by rules, regulations, schedules, work, financial commitments and other real life events.
Culture building, experiences, education and emotional controls do not supersede or reverse the Biological you or the PEOPLETOPIANS that you contain. Mother nature wins the day, moment and second of your every thought, effort or action. Society tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Your supervisor tries to control you. Mother nature wins. Culture tries the same thing, mother nature wins.
Control Raising - Dependent - Smart - Strong - Confident - Girls - Boys
You have been taught - culture learning - civilized - to be kind to other people. If you’re stuck on an island with that other person, without any food except one slice of bread, you’ll kill the other person.
People - civilized - find this shocking. Mother Nature - Evolutionary Earth Laws - Primitive Behaviors - Evolutionary Mind Triggers known as PeopleTopians are unconditional.
Mother nature doesn’t care if you know how to read. Civilization wants you to learn how to read. In fact the ability of communication through language is most likely the biggest reason we’re all still alive. Language is the way that we still know how to start, stop and control fire.
What Guide - Fostering - Action Plans - Teen Tips - Survival - Adolescent
Homo Erectus - The human being type before us, learned how to make fire 500,000 years ago. Making a fire is not found within our genes or D.N.A. makeup. Finding food, water and shelter is within our gene pool. It took language to keep the flame burning. One human told another human and so on.
PeopleTopians are the medicine bundles that the creator or nature has allowed to flow through our mind, body and spirits to correct, change, modify, alter, stop or stop our efforts, activities and results.
PeopleTopians don’t make you drop out of school. They don’t make you get married and have children. PeopleTopians keep you safe. Cause you to fear things. Cause you to feel things. Cause you to make and break habits. PeopleTopians don’t care if you went to Harvard or didn’t finish high school.
Extra Income - Child Custody - Single Parent - Real Work - Child Support -
Encouragement - Teen Driving - Preteens - Empty Nest - Military - Rules - Limits
The wisdom found within PeopleNology PeopleTopia and the PeopleTopian principles took over 29 years to research, define, provide evidence and establish their meanings.
The ACTION and PASSION you have inside has been determined by PeopleTopians as revealed by Gregory Bodenhamer Nollijy University Research Institute and has been taught for many years.
Young people, teenagers, adolescents and even adults need to get their life back in control. Parents want control over their children and it seems to be a constant fight. Remove the fighting and insert some proven knowledge and watch your life change in a matter of days.
We have many problems within CIVILIZATION that can be corrected by learning PeopleTopians and applying techniques at home, within school and even at work. Teenagers going through a divorce, suffering from grief, wanting to run away from home can all be dealt with, understood by learning and using PeopleTopian knowledge and techniques.
Self injury, sexual abuse, shoplifting, teen depression and even suicide and violence has support from our evolutionary past. Our little humans - children - have the exact same emotions (peopletopian drivers) that little humans have around the world. They struggle to be drug free, bend with peer pressure, thrash about their own body image, fight back feelings of low self-esteem, stupidity and some even have to suffer the pain of rehab.
The parents - larger humans - they too have their conflicts and disputes like home management. How to pay the bills, legal issues, who gets the kids this week, financial management, dating other human beings, adult education, career and other real life pressures.
Learning about PEOPLETOPIANS will change the free-for-all to favorable outcomes, smiles, understanding, loving and caring. The social sciences of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology have all been rolled up into PeopleNology with Anthropology, Art, Astrology, Geology, Meteorology, Biology, Oceanography, Chemistry, Science, History, Physics, Ecology and may other disciplines to discover PeopleTopians that can be used to change behaviors, encourage better families and relationships.
People want to restore order at home, with their spouse. You can quickly learn PeopleTopians and use this fantastic knowledge for fostering better children, making action plans to correct poor behaviors, understand all the things running through a teens mind, write your own survival guide so you can break though to family, friends and associates for the first time.
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Thank You
Gregory Bodenhamer
PeopleNology PeopleTopia PeopleTopian
Fortune 100 Consultant Searching for Why
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